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Climate Change Youth Petition

We know about climate change. We’re scared for the drastically different world it will result in. Our government is not doing enough - under current policies, the emissions reduction targets we promised to meet at the Paris Climate Accords will not be achieved. So what can we, as youth, do? To start, remind our government that its actions - or lack thereof - will have a tangible impact on our lives and those of youth around the world.

I'm asking for your help to send that message. I’m involved with an organization called Citizens Climate Lobby. A recent initiative of ours is a youth petition, to be tabled in Parliament, asking the Federal government to take more action on climate change so that we, as youth, can have a safe and healthy future with a habitable climate.

The petition itself must be printed out and signed by hand (as per Parliament rules). Below is the text of the petition, which can also be found here: Here is the page for signatures: Once a page is full, please mail it to the address at the bottom of each page by September 30, 2017.

The leaders of our country are more likely to seriously consider a request that 5000+ citizens have signed, than one that 50 have. There are three ways you can participate:

  1. Sign it yourself.

  2. Get other people to sign (friends, parents, siblings, grandparents, family friends, acquaintances).

  3. Get other people to get other people to sign. Hand the sheets out to everyone who signs!

Let’s build political and social momentum for strong climate action - for the sake of youth present and future.

If you have any questions about any of this, please message me on Facebook; my name is Rebecca Hamilton.

PETITION TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS IN PARLIAMENT ASSEMBLED (Also found here: Youth asking for more to be done to avert disastrous climate change We the undersigned Canadian youth respectfully request that the House of Commons give serious consideration to the following: WHEREAS, Canada has endorsed the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 °C in order to avoid the disastrous effects of climate change, Canadian youth are anxious that current actions of the Federal government are failing to meet those commitments, leaving us with an uncertain future in which we can grow, survive, and thrive. THAT, Canada’s current greenhouse gas reduction targets are not consistent with doing our fair share to meet the global goals agreed upon in Paris to mitigate climate change; THAT, subsidizing fossil fuel production, export and expansion, including new pipelines, are NOT compatible with the stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions; THAT, the current federal carbon pricing plan is too low to be effective; THAT, the government's continued support of the fossil fuel industry, in spite of scientific evidence of the cumulative damage of emissions, puts our future in danger; THAT, youth want jobs that are sustainable and not for short-term gain at the expense of future generations. THEREFORE, your youth petitioners, and those who care deeply about youth, call upon the House of Commons to take meaningful steps to support the future of young Canadians and fulfill Canada's obligations under the Paris Agreement by adopting a detailed climate action strategy that includes science-based targets for greenhouse gas reduction with a plan to meet them, including but not limited to: eliminating fossil fuel subsidies; implementing a comprehensive and steadily rising national carbon price beyond 2022 that rises to $150/t by 2030; and redirecting investments into renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, low-carbon transportation, and job training

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